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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XIV - Page 283« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of George Senator Resumed)

Mr. Senator.
Mr. Griffin.
Let's turn to the page that is numbered 4.
Mr. Senator.
I know Bill Willis. Bill Willis was the drummer in the band at the Carousel Club. Tom Palmer is here again.
Mr. Griffin.
You talked about him.
Mr. Senator.
Yes. Kathy Kay is a stripper. Andy is the boy. I assume that is Andy.
Mr. Griffin.
Andy Armstrong?
Mr. Senator.
Yes. I assume the first name Kathy is Kathy Kay; right?
Mr. Griffin.
I don't know.
Mr. Senator.
That is what I think it is anyhow. I don't know. This girl, I never knew her last name, but this could have been a former stripper of some time back, this Lauri.
Mr. Griffin.
Mr. Senator.
Mr. Griffin.
Does Lauri have a last name?
Mr. Senator.
There is a last name here, but I don't know who.
Mr. Griffin.
What is the last name?
Mr. Senator.
Womack, W-o-m-a-c-k. I knew a Lauri, I think, that was a stripper for him for a while. I think it was last summer if I am not mistaken, or something like that. Russ Knight.
Mr. Griffin.
Mr. Senator.
He is with a radio station, but I can't think which one.
Mr. Griffin.
Have you met him?
Mr. Senator.
Yes; I knew Russ.
Mr. Griffin.
Where have you met him?
Mr. Senator.
I have met him--I have seen him at the bowling alley when we used to go up there at night. I have seen him on rare occasions when he would come down to the Carousel. He was, I guess you would call him, a disc jockey.
Mr. Griffin.
Who did you bowl with?
Mr. Senator.
Sometimes people very seldom, mind you, very seldom--but sometimes people from the club which was very seldom. As a matter of fact, I only bowled one time, I believe. It wears me out particularly. But very seldom.
Mr. Griffin.
Did Jack bowl frequently?
Mr. Senator.
Mr. Griffin.
Did he bowl more than you did?
Mr. Senator.
Maybe a little more. I'll tell you, this particular alley is a tremendous place in Dallas, but we always went up there to eat, on occasions, when we did go. It was always we would go up there to eat. They had a big restaurant there.
Mr. Griffin.
What eating places did Jack frequent?
Mr. Senator.
A lot of times when he went out, the majority of the times when he went out I wasn't with him when he went out to cat. But he has been to--of course, it probably pertains to the time of day or night, you know, but he ate in the waffle shops, he ate at--wait; it will come to me in a minute. There is a couple on Commerce just above the Adolphus Hotel. What in the world is the name of it?
Mr. Griffin.
The Egyptian Lounge?
Mr. Senator.
He has ate at the Egyptian Lounge, but there is a couple in the downtown area.
Mr. Griffin.
That he ate at regularly, I take it?
Mr. Senator.
It is not, particularly. I can't say regularly. I don't know. Let me say he just varies the place. He may want to try certain foods, I don't know.
Mr. Griffin.
Did Jack visit the Dallas Cabana?
Mr. Senator.
Dallas Cabana? What in the world is the Dallas Cabana?
Mr. Griffin.
The Cabana Motel.
Mr. Senator.
The Cabana?
Mr. Griffin.
Mr. Senator.
Yes; Jack has been down there.
Mr. Griffin.
Does he have friends there?
Mr. Senator.
I don't know if he has friends there or not. He certainly probably
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