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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XIV - Page 163« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Ralph Paul)

Mr. Paul.
Everything I told them at the time was the right thing--I told them.
Mr. Hubert.
And that seems to be a fair and honest report of the interview you had with them?
Mr. Paul.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
All right, that's all I wanted to know about that.
Now, there is another document which purports to be an interview with you by FBI Agent Clements.
Mr. Paul.
On the telephone.
Mr. Hubert.
On November 28, 1963?
Mr. Paul.
Yes, over the telephone.
Mr. Hubert.
Which I am marking for purposes of identification as follows: "Dallas, Texas, April 15, 1964, Exhibit 5320, Deposition of Ralph Paul," and I am signing my name on that document. That document contains only one page and it refers----
Mr. Paul.
To the stock deal.
Mr. Hubert.
To some stock deal.
Mr. Paul.
Let me see it just a minute.
Mr. Hubert.
This document relates to some conversation with Special Agent Clements, which was had with you, and it is a report of it. Now, will you tell me I think that that conversation was over the phone?
Mr. Paul.
Mr. Hubert.
I don't believe the document so indicates, but if that is one thing we have learned from this is that that was over the phone does it fairly state the content of the conversation you had with the agent?
Mr. Paul.
Yes; he asked me what was my interest in the club and I told him I got a certificate of 50 shares, which I received from Jack Ruby because he wanted to protect the money I loaned him, that if anything goes wrong--well, he didn't put it in so many words--he put it in a different---collateral--you know what that means--and he said, "Is that what you mean?" And I said, "I guess that's what it is supposed to be."
I told him that Jack Ruby and Slayton formed the Sovereign Club and it • was called the S. and R., Incorporated. I never knew anything about the Sovereign Club, Incorporated, that it was then terminated and became the Carousel Club, which he gave it a name.
Now, I don't know whether the Carousal Club was incorporated, and I said, "I think it is Earl, Ruby's brother, that had the 500 other shares," but I didn't know for sure, that's what I told him. He said he believes Earl, Ruby's brother. I was confused with the question of whether I owned stock or not, which I was. I thought it was merely--he gives me the stock because, like I told you, when he wanted to sell the place he asked me for the stock so he could sell the place.
Mr. Hubert.
Well, at the time you spoke to him, in fact you were confused as to what the situation was?
Mr. Paul.
I sure was.
Mr. Hubert.
What I'm asking you, is--is this a fair statement of what you told him?
Mr. Paul.
I think I gave him a fair statement right up to the minute not that statement--that statement isn't up to the minute, but up to the time.
Mr. Hubert.
But at the time it was accurate?
Mr. Paul.
At the time.
Mr. Hubert.
Have you ever been interviewed by any member of the President's Commission before?
Mr. Paul.
No, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
Now, Mr. Paul, one final thing--we have the two statements that you have given to the FBI, and you have what you have .told us tonight--do you think that putting those two things together we have Just about all you know about Jack Ruby and about what he had to do with .the slaying of Oswald and so forth?
Mr. Paul.
I don't know nothing about the slaying of Oswald--that's for sure.
Mr. Hubert.
I understand that, but we know all you know about it when we have what you told us tonight and this statement--there's nothing else?
Mr. Paul.
I just told you all I know about Jack Ruby for 15 years.
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