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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XII - Page 376« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Detective C. Watson James)

Mr. Hubert.
Not any at all?
Mr. Watson.
No, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
I thought you said they surged forward ?
Mr. Watson.
They are over from this corner, over to about--some point right out here [indicating], and they come over the fence and right in this area right here [indicating]. That
Mr. Hubert.
Now, I am marking a line with the numbers "1," to "2," encircled, is that the line that you are talking about that depress--
Mr. Watson.
From that point "1" over to just past this corner was the only area that I know of any photographers being in. That is where they w. ere supposed to be. They were all lined on the rail, but at the moment this starts, they crawl through and come forward a little. That is what makes me come forward a little.
Mr. Hubert.
I thought you came forward because of pressure from people behind?
Mr. Watson.
Nobody behind me.
Mr. Hubert.
Nobody at all in here [indicating].
Mr. Watson.
I think one or two, but no officers behind me.
Mr. Hubert.
Did you see Ruby come forward ?
Mr. Watson.
No, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
When did you first see Ruby ?
Mr. Watson.
I saw him underneath four or five detectives immediately at my feet in front of me after the shooting. Did not see---couldn't have told whether it was white or colored until they had him in the jail office. Four or five detectives completely smothering him. I was standing there watching the crowd, looked down once or twice. Couldn't tell who it was.
Mr. Hubert.
When did you first become aware that there was a shooting?
Mr. Watson.
What do you mean? What are you--How are you going to pinpoint it
Mr. Hubert.
When you heard the shot ?
Mr. Watson.
When I heard the shot; yes.
Mr. Hubert.
You didn't see anybody lunge forward ?
Mr. Watson.
I glanced at Captain Fritz. I looked at Captain Fritz, just looked at the expression on his face, and I looked at Oswald. Second time I had seen him, just the expression. I noticed the officers behind him back toward the jail office, just a--momentarily, and I heard the shot up there.
Mr. Hubert.
In other words, your head was turned in the direction of the jail office and Ruby apparently came up from your left?
Mr. Watson.
Mr. Hubert.
From the direction on your left?
Mr. Watson.
But, your head was turned away from the area ?
Mr. Watson.
Glaring spotlight. We looked--straight ahead, to the right, wouldn't look at the bright lights.
Mr. Hubert.
So, you don't know where he came from ?
Mr. Watson.
No, sir; I assume where he come from but. I don't know where he come from. I know where he had to come from.
Mr. Hubert.
Let's go back to the statement that you made about "Area A," there, which would be area in the basement ramp, but before the incline begins?
Mr. Watson.
Yes; just a fiat place there. Starts back somewhere, like you say, back here [indicating].
Mr. Hubert.
You're quite sure there was nobody behind you and Harrison?
Mr. Watson.
No, sir; I wouldn't have left anyone behind us. I mean, we were in a position
Mr. Hubert.
But I am talking about news media ?
Mr. Watson.
That is what I mean, I am facing this way and all the news media was on my left..
Mr. Hubert.
You had your back to the Main Street and--
Mr. Watson.
My back to that--
Mr. Hubert.
And nobody behind you at all ?
Mr. Watson.
Nobody behind me except officers at the top of the ramp, that I know of.
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